Build-A-Bear-Ville Wiki

The Waterfall was an area that users could go to in Bearville; it was located near the Waterfall Train Station and Waterfall Lake and could be traveled to from both of these areas or by clicking on it on the Bearville map.

There were several things to do here; in the center was a cabin that users could go inside; this was the Floating Cabin.


There was also one minigame available to play all year round at the Waterfall; this was Marshmallow Roasting and users could play this by clicking on the plate full of marshmallows on the table. There was also one other minigame available here, though this was only available during Camp Happy Heart; this game was Jump Rope.


The Waterfall and Floating Cabin were the main areas that Camp Happy Heart was hosted in each year; users had to go here to join a team and check up on how each team was doing. The entire area got decorated with different props such as basketballs, water bottles and other sporty things, and there was a big banner with 'Camp Happy Heart' written on it.

